Crystal Springs - SaltyTron

Crystal Springs July 25, 2021 A blog is like a gym membership: it’s a lot easier to start than it is to keep up. Things have been busy, so it’s been a while, but this blog is not dead, yet. More updates will be coming soon. I moved recently, and although it was not very far, (a 15 min drive away,) I found myself in a place with a different set of closest parks and nature preserves. I thought I’d scope out Crystal Springs Reservoir a bit more closely as a walking or biking destination. Crystal Springs is a beautiful reservoir in the middle of the peninsula. Water activities are prohibited in the reservoir, which keeps the water clean, and as a result the reservoir retains its crystal blue color. The walking and biking path next to the reservoir was crowded, but the scenery is hard to beat for an area that is so close by. I took some photos, and used one as a reference for this digital painting. I’m still working on getting color and lighting right. Even in simplified illustrations, it’s so easy to make something look wrong, something that can go underappreciated if it’s not something you have tried yourself before.

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